Are you aiming to speed up your software development process and get ahead of the competition? Maybe it’s time to consider offshoring your Java development tasks. But how do you know if hiring offshore Java developers is the right choice for your business?

Offshoring is the practice of hiring remote workers from another country to work on a project. It’s a popular way for companies to reduce costs and access specialized skill sets.

Offshore software development is becoming increasingly popular. But how do you know when the time is right to outsource your Java development?

Software development teams have long relied on offshore resources for tasks ranging from basic coding and bug fixing to project management and quality assurance. The practice has proven to be both cost-efficient and time-saving, especially when it comes to maintaining complex systems or developing large software projects over a remote workforce. 

Read more details about the reasons for outsourcing Java development.

Key Reasons for Engaging Offshore Java Developers

A good thing about offshore teams is that they are often more flexible and can work around the clock to meet tight deadlines. This can help you get projects completed faster and with fewer resources. Additionally, outsourcing allows you to lower the overhead costs associated with running an in-house team, such as office space and equipment.

Offshoring can be the key to success in any business venture, but it also comes with challenges. When should you consider outsourcing this important aspect of your business? Here are 7 signs that it might be the right time to go offshoring in your Java development.

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Escalating Costs

If the cost of running your own Java development team becomes too high, it might be time to consider outsourcing. Hiring and training new staff can be costly, especially if you are looking for highly skilled professionals.

Offshoring can help you save money on this as you don’t have to pay for the recruitment process or do extensive training. It’s estimated that offshoring can reduce development costs by up to 25% while still maintaining the quality of work.

Lack of Specialized Skills in In-House Developers

If your company lacks skills, offshoring may be the solution. Not all junior developers are capable of meeting the needs of your business. Offshore teams are often more experienced and can provide the skill set needed to complete complex tasks quickly and efficiently.

Increasing Emphasis on Innovation

Offshoring can be a great way to access the latest technologies and ideas if your business needs innovative solutions and you don’t have the resources to develop them in-house. With a remote team, you can access the latest technology and expertise without having to invest in expensive training or hire new staff.

The Need for Quick Scalability

If you need to expand your development team quickly, offshoring can be a great way to do it. Offshore teams are often more flexible and can be hired on short notice, allowing you to quickly expand your team without the hassle of recruiting and onboarding.

Time Constraints

If you have a tight deadline, offshoring may be the best way to get the job done quickly and efficiently. With an offshore team, you can scale as needed and have access to a larger pool of resources.

Your Business Is Growing Rapidly

We have already mentioned that offshore Java development teams can provide the additional workforce needed to complete projects quickly and efficiently. If you can’t keep up with the demand of your growing business, offshoring may be the answer. With a remote team, you can scale quickly and easily.

Your Customers Are Not Satisfied

If your customers are not satisfied with the quality of your products or services, offshoring may be the solution. It can provide the experience and resources you need to improve the quality of your products and services. By outsourcing, you can also reduce your time to market and increase customer satisfaction.

If any of the signs above apply to your business, it might be time to consider offshoring.

Let’s turn to the savings aspect and check out the salaries of Java developers around the world to show you the benefits of outsourcing more clearly.

Java Developer Salaries Worldwide: 2024 Status

Java developers are among the most in-demand professionals in the tech industry, and offshoring them can be a great way to save money while maintaining the quality of your work.

Different countries have different salary rates for Java developers, so it’s important to compare the rates in each country before making a decision. For example, according to Glassdoor, the average salary for a Java developer in the US is $98,000 per year, while in India, it’s $6,000 per year. 

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Java developers in the UK earn $66,000 per year, while in Ukraine $15,000. Latin American countries and Argentina also show lower salary rates for Java developers. That can be explained by the lower cost of living there. However, you do not sacrifice quality when offshoring to real professionals from whatever country. Note that the rates for senior and middle developers will differ. 

As you can see, offshore Java development can be a great way to save money while still doing high-quality work. In any case, it is important to do research and compare wage rates in different countries before making a decision.

You can also explore the list of Top Software Companies in Eastern Europe or read the review of Top IT Outsourcing Companies in Ukraine. Software developers from Eastern Europe are known for their deep technical backgrounds, and professional Ukrainian specialists are often involved in developing advanced products for leading companies worldwide.

Pro Tips for Hiring Java Experts

When it comes to offshore Java development, it’s important to take the time to find the right team for your project. Here are some tips for finding and hiring the best Java experts:

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  • Research potential providers thoroughly. Do your due diligence when looking for potential suppliers. Check the experience and expertise of the offshore Java development team you are considering. Examine their portfolio on their website, read reviews, and ask for references. Research their past projects to make sure they have the right skill set for your website, program, or application.
  • Look for a team that can scale. Make sure the provider you choose has the capacity to scale up or down as needed.
  • Think about the budget. Compare the cost of offshoring to other options and ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.
  • Negotiate terms. Discuss terms such as payment, deadlines, and quality standards before signing any contracts.
  • Don’t neglect communication. Poor communication can be a major red flag when it comes to offshoring Java developers. Ensure the provider you choose has a reliable and efficient communication system.
  • Pay attention to cultural fit. It’s important to find a developer who fits your team and corporate culture. Remember to consider cultural differences when choosing an offshore Java developer.
  • Keep security in mind. Make sure the offshore Java experts you’re considering have strong security measures in place to protect your data and intellectual property.

Hiring an offshore Java development team that you can trust and achieve great results with can be a daunting task. Even if you follow the tips above, you’re bound to run into difficulties. That’s why we want you to be ready for them.

The biggest problem can be choosing among the wide variety on the market. Keep these tips above in mind, and take your time.

Working with developers in different time zones can be challenging. It may be difficult to coordinate meetings and deadlines. But let’s take advantage of what some might consider an obstacle.

Let’s say your business operates in the US, and you decide to hire a development team from Eastern Europe. A 6-7 hour difference might seem like a problem if you don’t think otherwise. You can set up a Zoom meeting in the morning to discuss the milestones of your project, but in Ukraine, for example, it’s already noon. It’s believed that at this time of day, people think more clearly. Thinking sharply is important for tech jobs; what’s more, developers can also have time for some last-minute quick fixes.

Another aspect is cultural differences. They can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication. So, it’s important to take the time to understand each other’s cultures and expectations.

The lack of face-to-face communication may also be a disadvantage for offshoring. But what is left on paper (or on a screen) is left there and can be used in the work. That can’t be said about chatting. Words should be documented. But even if you feel the need for a real-time conversation, take advantage of tools like video conferencing and project management software to help bridge the gap.

It’s also important to consider the legal implications of offshoring and make sure you have all the necessary contracts in place.

When the right people are found, you’ll see that the benefits of outsourcing Java development outweigh the hassles. To be more precise, we have outlined them below.

Advantages of Hiring an Offshore Java Development Company

Offshoring your Java development can be a great way to reduce costs, access specialized skill sets, and stay competitive in today’s tech industry. But what other benefits can you get if you hire offshore Java developers?

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Enhanced Project Resilience through Flexibility and Diversity

With access to a wider pool of developers, you can quickly scale up or down as needed to meet changing needs. This can help ensure that your project is resilient enough to handle any unexpected changes or issues. In addition, offshoring gives you access to a more diverse set of skills and perspectives that can help you create a more robust and innovative product.

Tapping into High-Level Expertise with Minimal Delay

If you’ve been looking for Java developers in your area and haven’t found anything, offshoring can be a great way to find the talent you need. Offshoring gives you access to a wider pool of experienced professionals to help you get the job done faster. This can be especially helpful if you need to meet a tight deadline or need expert help on short notice.

Access to Cutting-Edge Technologies and Processes

By offshoring your Java developers, you can use the latest technologies and processes available in other countries. This can help you stay ahead of the competition and create a more innovative product.

Best Countries for Offshore Java Development

Many countries have a unique pool of skilled Java developers. In this article, we’ll look at two countries from two different continents — Brazil and Ukraine. Each country possesses talents that differ in cost, quality, timezone compatibility, and cultural fit. 

Latin America: Brazil 

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Brazil is one of the huge outsourcing hubs in South America. Being also one of the most advanced in the region, this country has a large talent pool of Java developers and many tech parks. 

Hiring a developer from Brazil can cost much less than hiring US developers, for example. According to statistics, the average salary for a software developer in Brazil is $61,658 a year, whereas the US developer earns around $105,428 per year. 

So, what can you receive when opting for offshore Java development services from Brazil?

  • timezone overlap with North American countries, particularly the East Coast;
  • big talent pool having strong technical skills; 
  • competitive rates for companies looking to outsource software development without compromising on quality;
  • cultural diversity that brings diverse perspectives and ideas to projects.

Eastern Europe: Ukraine

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With a rapidly growing IT sector, Ukraine presents a vibrant pool of young generations of IT talent. According to The Economic Times, IT outsourcing in Ukraine was the 2nd largest export services industry, with nearly $5.7 billion in revenue generated in 2020. Even during wartime, Ukraine’s IT sector continues to show solid growth. 

Many industry leaders like Amazon, Bosh, Samsung, and Adobe have already benefited from this outsourcing destination. Why hiring Java developers from Ukraine can be a great decision? Let’s see:

  • lower costs by up to 70% while ensuring an in-house level of quality;
  • largest tech talent pool in Europe to choose from
  • highly-skilled experts faster as there is an influx of 50,000 IT graduates annually;
  • timezone compatibility with Europe for many European companies;
  • cultural match, as Ukrainian engineers are open-minded and well-rounded.

By the way, notable tech gems like Grammarly, Petcube, Jooble, Headway, and GitLab have all started their journeys in Ukraine.

Essential Steps for Recruiting Competent Java Developers

Recruiting competent Java software engineers requires a strategic approach. We’ve prepared essential steps for successfully hiring Java developers:

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Step 1: Define Project Requirements Clearly

When hiring a team of offshore Java developers, specify all the project’s important details in the initial stage. Job and project descriptions, budgets, and deadlines are all necessary information a developer needs to know to prevent misunderstandings at the end. 

Step 2: Use Sourcing Channels

Sourcing channels can be a powerful tool for finding potential candidates. LinkedIn, for instance, can help reach developer communities and recruit those who will match your job and project description perfectly. 

Consulting with your colleagues can help find the right talent, too. 

Step 3: Evaluate Technical Proficiency

Taking time to assess each candidate’s technical skills thoroughly boosts the chances of finding the right fit. You would have to evaluate the candidate’s proficiency with programming languages and their adherence to best practices. Tip: You can use HackerRank or LeetCode for assessments to make the process easier. 

Step 4: Assess Soft Skills

Apart from technical skills, you would have to assess a candidate’s soft skills. To make the work more effective, a developer should be able to work effectively in a team, resolve work-related issues, and communicate their ideas clearly with colleagues or clients. 

The main soft skills a software developer should possess:

  • Communication
  • Problem solving 
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Critical thinking
  • Attention to detail
  • Teamwork
  • Adaptability
  • Open-mindedness 
  • Listening

Step 5: Select an Appropriate Pricing Model

Opting for the right pricing model is important for transparency and preventing issues during project development. You can choose between 3 main pricing models:

  1. Fixed price model. The offshore development company provides a fixed price for your entire project. This model is suitable for projects with a clear scope and presupposing almost zero deviations from initial agreements. 
  2. Time & material (T&M) model. This model is more flexible and transparent as it implies paying offshore developers based on the number of hours and resources they spend on the project. 
  3. Dedicated team model. Using this pricing model, the client pays a fixed monthly fee for a dedicated team of developers, designers, and other specialists exclusively assigned to the project. The dedicated team model is great for scaling the team up or down as needed and retaining full control over the project. 

Step 6: Choose an Ideal Vendor

Check out the main tips on choosing a perfect software vendor:

✔ Browse the company’s reviews.

✔ Check their portfolio.

✔ Evaluate the vendor’s expertise, experience, reliability, communication, cultural fit, and pricing.

Why Hire an Offshore Java Development Team at Mangosoft

Overseas Java software engineers can become your secret ingredient in speeding up product creation. However, it’s important to research and choose the right offshore Java developer for your project.

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At Mangosoft, we provide outsourcing Java development services, helping businesses achieve long-term success. Our experienced and highly skilled Java developers are well-versed in the latest technologies and processes. Reach out now, and we’ll gladly assist you with your project idea. 

Projects created by our experts speak for themselves. For a year and a half, we were involved in the back-end development of a DMS – document management system that speeds up all the key processes in banking. The result was a system capable of creating, storing, and managing documents. There, you can also see a repository, workflow, integration with other systems, and information retrieval and processing systems.

For our client, this resulted in a 75% reduction in banking delays, an 85% reduction in overall processing time, and a 7x increase in banking volume.

Another project implied the development of a CRMS that could handle multiple channels of customer contact. By implementing effective BMP solutions (intuitive business process mapping, rule-driven business process integration, and service-oriented architecture), we increased productivity – order processing was improved by 90%, payment acceptance time sped up by 4x, the provision of products and services has improved, and revenue has also increased. As a result, corporate processes were integrated through this system.

Mangosoft also developed electronic signature generation software from the ground up to generate encrypted and certified digital signatures for healthcare providers. As a result, both lifecycle management and document organization significantly improved healthcare facilities. Another benefit of developing a new automated system for storing e-signatures was decreasing the processing time by a factor of 3.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, Mangosoft has experience working with major enterprise projects. Moreover, we use all the latest frameworks to develop our Java software. Among them are Apache Struts, Blade, Dropwizard, Grails, Google Web Toolkit, Hibernate, JavaServer Faces, Spring, Struts, Vaadin, Wicket, etc.

Your safety is important for us. We work with Java Cryptographic Architecture to keep your data secure.

Plus, our flexible pricing model allows you to scale up or down as needed without breaking the bank. If you’re considering whether to hire a Java developer offshore or not, feel free to contact us today for a consultation. Be sure that we will help you stay ahead of the curve and achieve long-term success.