The importance of JavaScript developers shouldn’t be underestimated in today’s tech world. With their qualified help, all possible user interactions are available on websites, and applications work flawlessly. JavaScript is the only programming language that is used on different browsers, platforms, OS and devices – from mobile to desktop ones.

So, how to hire JavaScript developers for your own business project? If you want to find out more details about this process, our Mangosoft team experienced in hiring top developers has prepared a step-by-step guide in this article. Read it and achieve tangible results!

3 Ways of Hiring JavaScript Developers?

Well, there are 3 simple ways how to hire developers: office employment, freelancing, and outsourcing. Let’s dive into details about each of these options!

  1. Outsourcing. It is a sure-fire solution if the goal is to cooperate with a professional JavaScript developer without worrying about anything – the recruitment activities, interviews, preparation of documents and so on. An outsourcing service provider will do everything for you – a team of developers will work on your business project providing an effective analysis, management, QA testing, and deployment services. Outsourcing is considered to be a cost-cutting method to do business for most companies – the costs are reduced up to 20%-30% as compared to the expenses on in-house teams of developers. Just a reminder – Mangosoft specializes in JavaScript development. You can find out more about our expertise and hire
    JavaScript developers with considerable work experience.

    Where to hire. Besides Mangosoft, you can open Clutch, GoodFirms, or FindBestWebDevelopment to find out more about outsourcing companies reading the reviews and detailed information about their services.

  2. Office employment. It is a widely-used practice of building
    working relationships in businesses – every specialist works in the office and all the business processes are within the sight. It’s a legal agreement between a company and its employees according to which each specialist works about 35-40 hours per week (7-8 hours a day). This type of working conditions is suitable because all the formal and legal requirements of work are set, including duties and responsibilities, the number of working hours, leave days, sick leaves and so on. Actually, the official agreement is an essential advantage for hiring a JavaScript developer to join your office team. But if you run a small or middle-sized business, it isn’t a cost-effective solution for you – according to the data at PayScale, an average salary of a JavaScript developer is $81,000 per year or $29 per hour.

    Where to hire. If you look for a JavaScript developer to work in the office, you should apply to job search sites like Indeed, StackOverFlow, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, etc.

  3. Freelancing. A freelancer is a person you work with remotely without signing any agreement – you’re in the trust-based relationships. This professional can deal with
    several projects at the same time and there is no credible way to check expertise, only in practice. An average hourly rate of a JavaScript developer starts from $15. The main benefit of hiring a freelance JS developer is a cheap price, while the process of selecting a good candidate might take a lot of time – if only you don’t hire an IT-recruiter who can do it instead of you (keep in mind that you have to pay this specialist as well). The freelancing platforms have ratings with the help of which you can filter and find the best JavaScript developers. Study every profile thoroughly – from fields of expertise to client’s reviews.

     Where to hire. Where to hire. You can find a JavaScript developer on the following freelancing platforms – Upwork, GitHubJobs, Guru, or Toptal. Also you can read the related article with overview – List of TOP Software Development Companies in Europe.

How to Hire JavaScript Developers? - 1

If it is difficult for you to determine the right way of hiring JavaScript developers – read the article we have prepared – Outsource Vs Freelance: What to Choose?

3 Key Roles of JavaScript Developers

There are 3 key roles of JavaScript developers:

  1. Front-end JavaScript developers
  2. Back-end JavaScript developers
  3. Full-stack JavaScript developers

Their responsibilities depend on the skills and responsibilities that they should perform at the workplace. Curious to find out more what JavaScript developers do more precisely? And let’s dive into it deeply!

Front-End JavaScript Developers

Front-end JS developers know how to develop interactive applications and websites. The full knowledge of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript are required to do this job. The first two technologies provide an app with the structure and style, and it’s the JavaScript that makes them alive by adding the interactiveness to it. On top of that, a front-end JavaScript developer must be familiar with frameworks (Angular, React JS or Vue.js) used for making interactive user interfaces and single-page applications adapted to various devices and screen sizes.

  1. Junior Front-End JavaScript Developer

    • 1-2 years of experience in visual design focused on UI/UX practices;
    • HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, and JQuery;
    • The practical knowledge of Photoshop and Sketch;
    • The understanding of responsive and interactive design;
    • The comprehension of web animation practices (JS/CSS);
    • The basic knowledge of on-page optimization practices will be a plus;
    • The ability to convert visual materials into code.
  2. Middle Front-End JavaScript Developer

    • 2-3 years of hands-on experience in front-end development;
    • A high degree of proficiency in website usability (HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript) and UI/UX practices;
    • Vast knowledge of JavaScript, React.js and other technologies and frameworks;
    • Experience with back-end is desirable;
    • Knowledge of API and Wrappers is a big plus.
  3. Senior Front-End JavaScript Developer

    • 5+ years of experience of the app development in JavaScript;
    • Solid knowledge of AngularJS, React.js and other JS frameworks;
    • Strong skills in using HTML and CSS;
    • Experience of working in Scrum and Agile environments.

Back-End JavaScript Developers

If you’ve already found a front-end JavaScript developer, you need to hire a back-end developer as well! The main responsibility of this specialist is to build and maintain the website’s unctionality, including the development of the application logic, database, API, data and application integration, etc. The most preferred option is to use NodeJS to develop an application just using one programming language ,  JavaScript. Also, this professional creates robust functionality running on the server that require knowledge of databases like SQL or MongoDB.

  1. Junior Back-End JavaScript Developer

    • Up to 2 years of experience in programming;
    • Basic knowledge of back-end development;
    • Knowledge of JavaScript, Python (Django), MongoDB, NodeJS;
    • Experience of integrating APIs systems to software development;
    • Understanding of SQL and NoSQL databases.
  2. Middle Back-End JavaScript Developer

    • 2-3 years of work experience in back-end development;
    • Using JavaScript, CSS, HTML in practice;
    • Strong knowledge in Node.js, Angular;
    • Proficiency in using databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL;
    • Experience in mentoring junior back-end developers.
  3. Senior Back-End JavaScript Developer

    • 5+ hands-on experience in back-end development;
    • Ability to lead the team and mentor junior back-end developers;
    • Extensive experience in code development and testing;
    • Strong JavaScript coding skills;
    • Knowledge of AngularJS, Polymer, AEM, and SOA/REST.

Full-Stack JavaScript Developers

If you don’t want to hire JavaScript developers separately, you can hire a full-stack developer to work on your project. This specialist will help you develop an application on the client side and server side at the same time. This developer takes part in both front-end and back-end development, having a breadth of experience in both fields. Most small and medium-sized companies hire a full-stack JavaScript developer to keep up with the latest technologies and frameworks.

  1. Junior Full-Stack JavaScript Developer

    • Knowledge of JavaScript and other programming languages (Python, Java, etc.);
    • More than one year of hands-on experience working with web design and server-side development;
    • Know how to develop plans and design logic into practice;
    • Analysis of extensive information part.
  2. Middle Full-Stack JavaScript Developer

    • 2+ years of programming experience;
    • Comprehension of agile practices and web application development;
    • Strong knowledge of JavaScript and its databases;
    • Hands-on experience with cloud service providers.
  3. Senior Full-Stack JavaScript Developer

    • 5+ years of experience in working with JavaScript development;
    • Know how to work with data modeling;
    • The ability to mentor junior full-stack JavaScript developers;
    • Practice with unit testing frameworks.

Every JavaScript developer has own responsibilities that depend on the role in the project. Now, it’s the right time to discover them in details:

The Responsibilities of JavaScript Developers
Front-End JavaScript
Back-End JavaScript
Full-Stack JavaScript
  • Creates user-friendly features;
  • Ensures the feasibility of UI/UX aspects;
  • Optimizes the product’s scalability and speed;
  • Validates output before its submission to a back-end developer.
  • Works on databases, their integration, management;
  • Builds server-side software with back-end frameworks;
  • Ensures reusable code building and libraries;
  • Produces data storage solutions.
  • Develops both front-end and back-end of apps;
  • Designs APIs;
  • Guarantees cross-platform optimization;
  • Tracks the project’s development and deployment.

8 Points to Weigh Up in JavaScript Developers

As it has been mentioned previously, every role of a JavaScript developer has own functions and responsibilities. And if you hesitate who you should hire for your project – front-end and back-end developers or simply a full-stack developer – this information is for you. Weigh up all the advantages and disadvantages of front-end/back-end developers and full-stack developers.

Front-End/Back-End DevelopmentFull-Stack Development

  1. Better quality of front-end and back-end development;
  2. Faster project realization

  1. Flexible product development, cost-effective for small projects;
  2. More effective for one project

  1. Expensive for middle and small-sized projects;
  2. More specific requirements for each developer

  1. Lower quality of the front-end development;
  2. Slower work in complicated projects

Average Salaries of JavaScript Developers

The salary of a JavaScript developer depends on the functions, roles, and experience each specialist has. So, how much does JavaScript development cost? It is the essential info before hiring a developer to plan a budget and come up with a well-developed software application. The average salary of a JavaScript developer starts from $96,000. This number may vary because of many factors – qualifications, types of development, countrier. Study the tables below to keep abreast of an issue – how much does it cost to hire a JavaScript developer?

Qualifications Level
(Average Salary Per




JavaScript Developer


JavaScript Developer


JavaScript Developer


JavaScript Developer





JavaScript Developer


The salaries of JavaScript developers are different in every country. But the USA has the highest rates of JavaScript development – the average salary is $113,950 per year (from $42,000 to $219,000). So, what is the situation in other countries and how much do front-end/back-end and full-stack JavaScript developers earn in Germany or Ukraine, for example?

CountryFront-End JavaScript Developer Back-End JavaScript Developer Full-Stack JavaScript Developer 

Junior: $45,635
Middle: $70,902
Senior: $121,083

Junior: $32,681
Middle: $69,360
Senior: $150,304

Junior: $75,302
Middle: $85,152
Senior: $116,500


Junior: €46,969
Middle: €51,000
Senior: €64,000

Junior: €43,637
Middle: €50,000
Senior: €52,000

Junior: €25,456
Middle: €49,309
Senior: €75,355


Junior: $12,000
Middle: $22,000
Senior: $48,000

Junior: $12,000
Middle: $25,000
Senior: $59,000

Junior: $12,000
Senior: $59,000


Junior: RM 4,000
Middle: RM 62,000
Senior: RM 121,000

Junior: RM 4,000
Middle: RM 36,000
Senior: RM 80,000

Junior: RM 3,000
Middle: RM 40,000
Senior: RM 100,000


Junior: R$19,000
Middle: R$ 57,000
Senior: R$95,000

Junior: R$20,000
Middle: R$70,000
Senior: R$170,000

Junior: R$24,000
Senior: R$109,000

The Job Description for JavaScript Developers

A good job description should have the detailed information about the company and its specialization, the job position (duties and responsibilities) and the key requirements (education, work experience, knowledge and skills). Keep in mind the more details are included, the more relevant specialists will apply to your job offer.

Here is a job description template that can be posted on job searching platforms when you’re looking for a JavaScript developer:

How to Hire JavaScript Developers? - 2

3 Ways to Check a JavaScript Developer

Due to specific knowledge and skills a JS developer has, you can win out in your business area. So, it is vital to test a JavaScript developer before hiring. There are 3 simple ways to check JavaScript expertise:

  1. Ask special questions;
  2. Give a test assignment;
  3. Conduct a face-to-face job interview.

So, what questions about JavaScript should you ask during a job interview?

  • What concepts and paradigms are specific to JavaScript programming?
  • Do you know what a “closure” means? Can you explain it, please?
  • Why is it significant to wrap the entire content of a JavaScript source file in a function block?
  • What is a microservice architecture and how is it related to JavaScript?
  • What are undeclared and undefined variables in JavaScript?

Besides asking some questions, you should give practical assignments to a JavaScript developer to perform within the limited timeframes. Devskiller is one of the resources where hard skills of JavaScript developers can be assessed at every qualification level. It provides various types of tests that are helpful for the screening of all candidates applying to your job position. So, this way of evaluating applicants is quite demonstrative – besides the estimation of practical knowledge, you can assess the candidate’s ability to perform tasks under time pressure.

A good JavaScript developer must have prominent soft skills that are well-observed during a face-to-face interview. What skills should be taken into consideration?

  • Time management;
  • Open-mindedness;
  • Communication;
  • Adaptability;
  • Teamwork

Wrapping Up

Now, you’re familiar with different roles of JavaScript developers – front-end, back-end and full-stack JavaScript development, how and where to find them, how much money to pay for their work, and how to check the expertise. You are also aware of how to hire JavaScript developers – using freelancing or outsourcing services, or providing office employment to them.

Contact us if you needany help with JavaScript development – be it qualified consulting or JavaScript development itself. Find an expert for your project and enjoy final tangible business results.