Manual Testing Services We Offer

Exploratory Testing

Exploratory Testing

With the help of exploratory testing, our experienced specialists study the project, make test cases and immediately execute them without creating test documentation. Dynamic modification of product tests allows us to find subtle and hidden errors on the fly.

Ad Hoc Testing

Ad Hoc Testing

We implement this testing before other formal methods to find hard-to-reproduce and subtle defects. It does not require planning, test design and definition of expected results: it allows us to detect the most important defects at an early stage and not to waste extra time.

Usability Testing

Usability Testing

Our testers check how convenient and intuitive the software interface is and how flexible the function management is. To do this, we have the necessary resources and the ability to select representative users of the software to identify the defects of use that we fix.

Functional Testing With Frequent Changes

Functional Testing With Frequent Changes

We establish compliance of the developed software with the original functional requirements. Thanks to the possibility to simulate the actual use of the system, we check the ability of the information system under certain conditions to solve the tasks that users need.

Low-Volume Regression Testing

Low-Volume Regression Testing

Our manual software testing services include finding bugs in areas already tested and where everything was fine before. Thus, we protect the current version of the software from damage and make the new features avoid conflicts with the previous ones.

Hotfix Testing

Hotfix Testing

This testing gives us the opportunity to urgently fix specific errors, flaws and program vulnerabilities identified during operation. To do this, a patch is created that is applied to the software and fixes its performance, ergonomics, design gaps or other critical errors.

Manual Testing Platforms
Tools We Use for Manual Testing
Solutions For Which We Implement Manual Testing
Enterprise Applications (mobile/web)

eCommerce Solutions

B2B/B2C Web Portals

Our Approach to Manual Testing

We adapt our approach to each specific software product in order to improve its profitability and guarantee an ideal user experience.

Requirements analysis

Determination data for test

Planning test strategy development

Preparation of load infrastructure

Test execution (black box methodology)

Comparison and analysis of actual and expected results

Generating execution report

Test regression

What is a manual testing service?

Manual testing service is a procedure in which testers perform tests manually, without using any automation tools. This is the simplest type of testing, which, however, requires special knowledge and professional training. It is also absolutely necessary before starting test automation to determine its feasibility and relevance. Manual QA testing services include modeling situations from the point of view of end users in accordance with test scenarios.

Which software is used for manual testing?

Usually any manual software testing company divides the manual testing procedure into preparatory, main and final stages. Each of them uses specific tools for special purposes. Test management is implemented in Jira, TestRail, TestLink and others. Testers also use XML editors, file and test managers, data generators, and task schedulers. As for testing tools directly, it can be Selenium, Bugzilla, Mantis, FogBugz and others.

Why choose us as a manual testing company?

Our manual testing company not only has a large staff of skilled testers, but also extensive experience in working with a wide variety of projects. We always follow the latest innovations in manual testing approaches and put them into practice, conducting performance analysis and making a comparative description of the relevance of different tools. We know which method is best suited for each specific case and provide our clients with qualified bug-hunting services that exclude the possibility of errors in the final product.

Let’s get in touch

Just share the details of your project! We will reply within 24 hours.

File requirements: pdf, doc, docx, rtf, ppt, pptx

We will be happy to talk with you at any time convenient for you and discuss your business ideas.

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Kozatska street 122/4 office 207, 03022, Ukraine

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